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Commander's Page

The Douglas County Composite Squadron is a unique squadron from a variety of perspectives. Nestled in the Carson Valley at the base of the Eastern Sierras, it is one of the foremost glider ports in the country. Both our seniors and our cadets take the opportunity to fly our Super Blanik glider. Cadets are eligible to solo at 14 and several of our senior members are glider flight instructors and tow pilots. The glider program is an integral part of the cadet program.

The squadron is also highly skilled in emergency services providing Search and Rescue, aerial photography, and Homeland Security assistance to both state, local and federal agencies. We have been called out on several searchs recently, one for a lost hiker at Boundary Peak and another off Hwy 80. When we get called, we go, weather permitting!

Regular meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 1900 for training. The cadets meet every Tuesday at 1800. We also do a monthly Search and Rescue exercise. We encourage our aircrews to practice frequently, and this is usually done on a funded basis. Both a Cessna 182 and a Cessna 206 G-1000 Turbo are currently used. Our cadets also benefit by going through an Orientation syllabus teaching them the basics of flight. Recently we have had two cadets achieve their pilots license and one soloed on her 16th birthday.

We are looking to recruit more cadets and seniors in the months to come who have an interest to serve the local community and our country. If you have a desire to inspire our youth to aspire while serving, this is your calling. Check us out

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